The DEWEYS up near Howey-In-The-Hills, fit that description. Been riding past them since 2003, never went down one.. sad to say. Just south of Howey-In-The-Hills on SR 19, watch for East Dewey Robbins Rd, follow that to South Dewey Robbins Rd, then it turns into Dewey Robbins Rd and finally hooks up with US 27. Once you get on either DEWEY, just stay on the pavement, and you'll come out the other side just fine. SR 19 to US 27, or the other way, same difference. If you hit dirt, stop, turn around.
Great extra little loop to add to your Leesburg, Tavares, Mt Dora adventure portfolio.
Toss in a stop at the Yalaha Bakery, and you'll have a fine morning ride!
The new circle near Sugarloaf Mountain is almost done. Still tricky though since the intersections are routed around the circle and not the best to get through yet.
Stopped off to pick up some 303 Aerospace Protectorant for the bike, and had this photo-op.....